My Story
The great thing about my business is every day I do something I enjoy. I get to inspire people to do the things that inspire them and help grow their businesses.
It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world, in
Things are going well, I’m very lucky – my office overlooks our beautiful garden and I get to spend my day with my two dogs, Seth and Eddy. A walk across the fields is a great way to clear my head after a morning writing copy, long sales scripts and coaching sessions.
But it hasn’t always been this way. Back in 2005 after 21 years of running my own businesses, I was broke and homeless and had to take low paid work to help pay my way. That was a huge culture shock, but it gave me a big wake up call. Sleeping on the floor of a friend’s spare room and working extra long hours cleaning allowed me to save enough money to study and do the work I needed to start this business.
My Story
From that moment on, everything I did was planned and approached in a completely different way to how I’d done things in the past. This may sound odd, but I knew exactly what my new home would look like, the size of the garden and how I’d spend my days balanced between working, learning new skills and enjoying my hobbies.
Since then everything has fallen into place. Admittedly, it’s took a few years to get from totally broke to living ‘the dream,’ but it’s been worth every minute.
One of the secrets to my success was my decision to only work on projects and with people I enjoyed working with. When you share the same values with someone, work becomes much more than a means to an end.
In my book it’s how all business should be done. Get in touch today, maybe we can do some great work together.
Kevin Webster